
Internship, carpe diem!

This month again the Pianoforte Group has renewed its interest in young graduates with its presence directly at universities. Mr Carlo Palmieri (CEO of the Group) and Mr Roberto Manzi (Director of the Academy) were at lecture halls to describe the Pianoforte’s history and values. Mr Marco Cosentino (HR specialist) was in direct contact with students: while interviewing them and explaining how to live a work experience in our company, he gained about 300 curricola.

Teheran, retailer professionals

They come from a Persian noble background, they speak Persian and they are proud of a culture, a bridge between the Orient and the West, which is human heritage. They are the boys and girls from Teheran, the capital of the Islamic Republic of Iran, who attended the Yamamay and Carpisa weekly training session which ended on Thursday, November 19, the day before the holiday Friday.

Carpisa Managers in team...

Within a retail company, business is everything but it is not only produced by commercial goals. You also need men and women to be able to work together, to give shape to strategies and to approach the job with a positive attitude and a healthy competitiveness as well.This photo gallery captures the best moments of the day in which managers participated in roleplaying to help achieve the success of the brand.

Yamamay awards a prize to Brazil

Yamamay si prepara ad accogliere i fashion designer vincitori della quarta edizione del concorso del Santa Marcellina e Senai Cetiqt. Si tratta di Aline Chaves, prima classificata a Rio de Janeiro e Erika Luciani Schmidt, vincitrice a São Paulo. Recentemente premiate in Brasile dal nostro CEO Gianluigi Cimmino.

A Possible Company

“A possible company” is the last book of Massimo Folador, businessman who often visits our headquartes in Naples and Gallarate and is also in touch with our Entrepreneurs and Employees.

Lession at Yamamay

They sat in the Montecarlo meeting room, which is placed on the third floor of the Yamamay headquarters in Gallarate. On November 12, 2014 there weren’t fashion designers, experts or managers around the white long table, where brand’s upcoming collections are usually designed, but just 25 students of the Majno middle school who took part in the SME DAY – Fifth National Day of the Small and Medium Enterprises.